Copper Creek Falls

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The day after our grueling hike to Hidden Lake and Red Top Summit, our hearts weren’t yet finished exploring the wilderness of Northern Idaho, but our aching bodies were. So, a simple one-mile round-trip walk to Copper Creek Falls sounded like a good compromise.

The trailhead is found almost on top of the Canadian border, less than a mile south of Eastport along Copper Creek Road (NF-2517), and we arrived 30 minutes after setting out from Bonners Ferry. At the Ranger Station, we had picked up a self-guided walking tour describing different aspects of the forest trail, such as old logging ruts and trees, but we quickly stored this away. I didn’t care much whether I was looking at a lodgepole or an eastern white pine: we were there for the waterfall!

We didn’t have to wait long. After a brisk ten-minute hike, we arrived at the viewpoint. The Copper Creek Falls drop 160 feet into a pool of water which you can wade into. I wasn’t about to take a shower, but would bet that people do in warmer weather. Copper Creek provided a neat excursion, perfect for families or anyone who’s not up for a major hike. And it’s nicely secluded, despite the ease of access. We didn’t see another soul during our time there.

Location of the Trailhead

This Post Has One Comment

  1. IsaBellla Davis

    a beautiful series of captures, stay warm my friends…

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